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Breaking Bad News

Practice this case based on how you are assessed in your OSCEs, and use the relevant sections for general revision. 🤓


Doctor Instruction:

You are currently a senior surgical doctor on call. Your next patient is called Adam Smith – a 66-year-old gentleman – who is coming in to discuss his recent colonoscopy + biopsy results which showed a malignant tumour affecting his descending colon. Please inform the patient about his results and address any questions or concerns he may have.


Patient Instruction:

Adam Smith – 66-year-old gentleman - retired

You are coming in today to discuss your colonoscopy results. You know that you have been sent by your GP through a 2-week wait referral due to having a change in bowel habits and bloody stool. You also noticed you have lost a bit of weight over the last few months. Otherwise, you are fine. You know that today you will find out whether you have cancer or not. You would like to have the news broken today while you are here alone.

You are shocked when you hear about the bad news and begin to tear up initially. You hope to enjoy your retirement a little longer with your wife who you have been in love with for over 40 years! You do not want to die so early and want all the necessary treatments – you however fear surgeries and would like time to decide on this. You heard many stories about people dying at the theatre table. You do want to get support as much as possible. You do not want to let your wife know about your diagnosis as your wife panics a lot.


Mark Scheme:

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